Welcome to SiMBION webpage

About us

The Slovenian consortium of infrastructure centers dealing with biomedical and biochemical imaging was founded in 2018 by the University of Ljubljana (SiMBION), Faculty of Medicine. The vision of this consortium was to connect groups using different imaging methods with an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of biological and medical samples.


We are a part of European network of infrastructure centers Euro-BioImaging.

Our partners

Kemijski inštitut

Raziskovalno delo na Odseku za analizno kemijo poteka v okviru temeljnega raziskovalnega programa P1-0034 “Analitika in kemijska karakterizacija materialov ter procesov” in obsega temeljne študije in razvoj analiznih orodij, senzorjev ter pristopov na treh močno prepletenih področjih.

University Medical Centre Maribor

University Medical Centre Maribor is a public healthcare institution providing secondary and tertiary healthcare for the wider eastern region of Slovenia and certain subspecialist healthcare services for the southeastern part of Slovenia and the Carinthia region.

logo medical faculty, ul

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine

Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo

Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (NIB) je največji neodvisni javni raziskovalni inštitut za naravoslovne vede v Sloveniji, ki s temeljnimi raziskavami na področju biologije in njej sorodnih naravoslovnih ved, varstva okolja, biotehnologije ter biomedicine ustvarja novo znanje, ki ga objavlja v različnih znanstvenih publikacijah.

univerza v mariboru

Univerzitetni center za elektronsko mikroskopijo – UCEM je bil ustanovljen z namenom združevanja znanj in izkušenj o elektronski mikroskopiji ter za čim bolj kvalitetno raziskovalno delo in čim večjo izkoriščenost velike raziskovalne opreme, ki smo jo v ta namen združili.

Institut ˮJožef Stefanˮ

The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the largest public research organization in Slovenia. The Department of Low and Medium Energy Physics (F2) conducts basic research in the field of nuclear and atomic physics. The acquired knowledge is used in solving various interdisciplinary problems in very different areas, e.g. fusion, biology, medicine, pharmacy, energy storage, radiological environmental control, material research, archaeometry etc.


INFRASTRUCTURE CENTER FOR MICROSCOPY OF BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES at the Biotechnical Faculty is a part of the Network of Infrastructure Centers of the University of Ljubljana. The center offers support in the field of preparation of a wide range of biological samples, their visualization with various microscopic techniques, and interpretation and analysis of the results.


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